General Beginners Hints
Dedicated to Beverly Elliott
Everything you need is in the Web. But How can you get it. Your Browser can help you. If you see a suitable page that you want to use as a design fundament to one of your own pages, just surf on it. Pull down "View Source" and click. A new window opens with the source of your favourite site. If you want to save the source, end the "View Source" and then pull down the Menue with "Save as", click it and choose a target directory (You should assign on like "foundhtm") and click to save. Now you can study html offline through double clicking the new file in "foundhtm" within your favourite Desktop Explorer or Disk Manager.
Search the net while using the Netscape Search Button. Netscape presents a search machine later on. Type in your search keywords, use blank or + as separator and push the submit button of the search machines Web formular.

Your Fun - Experimental HTML Design

Try everything, blinking text, animated gifs, background gifs, background colors, image maps, frames and adjustments through tables rows and columns. But do not test it on your main entry!
Dont link new pages to your main page, before you have tested them completly.
There are al ot of other web clients or browsers on different platforms. They all interpret your HTML. And they do it in totally different mannors.

Some special Hints

  • Dont use more than 35KB of gifs on one Page. Your visitors will get bored while loading.
    Use a text color that contrasts the background. So you arent causing eye sicknesses of your visitors.
  • Try to print your pages on a black and white printer. Youll see that light forgrounds wont be printed. This current page is not printable.
  • Use only one animated gif on one site.
  • Use blinking text with low frequency. Or better dont use it. Its significant for beginners.
  • Dont underline headers (h1,h2,b e.g.) or texts. Underlines are significant for links. You are confusing your visitors. Use colored text instead (font /font).
  • Guide your visitors comfortable. You can use a link table that appears on all your pages at the same place (top, bottom, left down or right down). Youll find everything in the web.

Netscape Gold 3.01 sicknesses

Dont nest font tags. Its a netscape gold desease. Its not HTML 3.2 conform.
Fininish your pages with /body /html. Netscape Gold wont do that for you.
Put height width and size parameters in "s . like <font size="+2">...</font>. Netscape Gold wont do that for you.
Have a look on other web design tools.
Dont use syntax that is only known to your kind of browser. E.g. align=abscenter.

Others Fun - Midi Music

If you use integrated music components. Dont forget the other side. We have the Netscape fraction:
<EMBED src="Ice_Castles.mid" autostart=true width=20 height=20>
and the Microsoft Internet Explorer fraction:
<BGSOUND src="Ice_Castles.mid"
If you use a mid file be sure that you linked the rigth address (path) and the exact upper and lower case letters. In the case above, your mid file have to be in the same directory as your html page!

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