Unicorn Projects graphical Eyecatcher : a bryced dreamland, a worm story, a merva family meeting point, a maze for kids, a cgi linklist, a unicorn collection and a private quality award.
To the central switch board in the top of the tower

A long time ago a prophet left his homeland impatiently. He stumbled around for many years. He saw a lot and learned thoroughly. As there was nothing new, he decided to become a hermit.
In the mountains a wizard had left a the dark tower. The prophet went up to the top and claimed it for his abode. Years passed and one day he figured out that he had lost his speech. In this hour a green haze came creeping across the mountains. Lightning and thunder filled the valley. The prophet transformed into a unicorn. Wise and speechless. Only a virgin could rescue him. Souls rarely got lost in these lands. The green fog was everwhere and at all times.

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At the portal of the dark tower there were 5 runes. Visitors touching it saw the sign at the door changing. Every rune held a place for a thought that the unicorn had rescued from the world. If a visitor presses one of the runes he would immediately bounded by the thought.

The unicorn layed a role in front of the tower. The word NORMALION was written on it. Those thirsting for knowledge should pick up the roll. They immediately become sly and clever.

To the lightworld

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